Revolution EHR

The Electronic Health Record, the most fundamental element of your patient care.


  • The optomap ultra-wide digital retinal imaging system helps you and your eye doctor make informed decisions about your eye health and overall well-being. Combining your eye doctor’s expertise and optomap technology, optomap brings your eye exam to life.
  • The California model produces a 200°, single-capture retinal image of unrivaled clarity in less than ½ second and is changing the management of diseases including Geographic Atrophy, DR, AMD, and uveitis.
  • The new system is more compact, ergonomically designed for better comfort, and gives better imaging. All to help you.

Optovue OCT

Optovue OCT has a broad range of applications in today’s eye care practices. OCT technology generates high-resolution, cross-sectional and three-dimensional (3D) images of the retina, optic disc and anterior segment, to give you valuable information that aids in the diagnosis and management of a range of ocular diseases.

Octopus Visual Field

With the Octopus 600, Haag-Streit has introduced a new perimeter that combines both fast screening with the novel Pulsar stimulus and standard white-on-white perimetry for follow-up in one device. As a result, the instrument is capable of covering the most important stages of disease progression, allowing both for early diagnosis and follow-up.

Hard Contact Lens Modifying Unit

  • Allows for many adjustments to custom RGP contact Lenses
  • Allows for cleaning and polishing of any RGP material
  • The convenience of in office lens changes to increase comfort


NeuroTracker uses 3D multiple object tracking at increasing difficulties to develop high-level brain functions critical to recovery & cognitive health. Each session (6mins) delivers a series of mini-tests where the patient needs to remember key targets, then track them moving among distractors for several seconds and then identify them. Simple to do, but always challenging, NeuroTracker adaptively optimizes difficulty to each patient’s level, maximizing cognitive stimulation every step of the way.

Sanet Vision Integrator

Using a 50″ touch screen monitor, the SVI is designed to improve visual abilities for a wide range of patients with visually-related learning problems, strabismus, amblyopia, and traumatic brain injury. It is also very effective for sports vision enhancement work with athletes. The key features that make this “all in one” instrument so useful are the variety of programs and many ways that visual abilities can be enhanced. The programmable instrument incorporates features of a saccadic trainer, virtual rotator, tachistoscope and programmable metronome. The SVI instrument actually “speaks”, instructing the patient to respond to verbal commands, improving auditory-visual integration and memory. The SVI can be used to enhance the following visual abilities: Pursuits, saccades, fixation stability, eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, speed and span of recognition, automaticity, and contrast sensitivity, plus visual and auditory sequencing and memory. In addition it is extremely effective when working with visual acuity improvement in patients with amblyopia, ABI patients with visual field loss, visual-spatial neglect, and visual-vestibular integration problems, and with patients with rhythm, reading and math problems.

Vision Therapy 4 system

The New Computer Orthoptics Liquid Crystal Automated Vision Therapy System

Therapy Procedures Include:

· Smooth Vergence
· Rotations
· Jump Ductions
· Multiple Choice Vergence
· Accommodative Rock
· Pursuits
· Saccades
· Visual Memory
· Cheiroscope
· Amblyopia

Diagnostic Tests Include:

· Phoria
· Fusional Ranges
· Accommodative Facility
· Pursuits
· Saccades
· Worth 4 Dot
· Motor Field
· Fixation Disparity
· Visual Memory
· Aniseikonia

Atlas Topographer

Carl Zeiss Meditec has taken the world’s leading corneal topography system1 and made it better. The ATLAS System delivers the clinical accuracy essential to today’s eye care practice, now in a more powerful and easier to use platform. With applications including contact lens fitting, pathology detection and management, and selection of aspheric IOLs, the new ATLAS System is the right choice for reliable real-world results, every time, from virtually any operator.

HoloLens Augmented Reality Glasses

Using the HoloLens Augmented Reality technology, more than 100 targets of varying size, detail and retinal disparity are presented to manage various vergence exercises. Targets including holograms are presented in True 3D Color.
The HoloLens Augmented Reality incorporates independent eye tracking allowing us to independently determine the position of both eyes at all times.

Precise Control – The VTS4-HoloLens independent eye tracking allows the patient’s eye positions to drive the vergence demands. The VTS4-HoloLens Computer Orthoptics holographic targets are instantly moved, rotated or changed to create any base-in base-out disparity. These techniques can be integrated into an overall plan for the presentation of various eye muscle-related exercises involving oculomotor skills and fusional ranges.